Common Pregnancy Complaints and their Ayurvedic Remedies

Common Pregnancy Complaints & their Ayurvedic Remedies

These are the kinds of holistic tid-bits I LOVE to share with mamas! If you’re suffering from some of the most common prenatal complaints, here's my top 3 Ayurvedic remedies to try:

1. Heartburn / Acid Reflux-Try small, more frequent meals and avoid excessive spice & acidifying food. Avoid lying down after meals, and support regular elimination (keep stools moist, easy). Sip lemon or coconut water, and try 1 tsp ACV + 8 oz water 1 hour before meals.

2. Constipation-Focus on and increase water intake, fiber, moist food, and exercise. For fiber, try increasing your intake of soaked prunes, figs, raisins, or ghee in warm water. You can also try 1 cup of hot milk + 1 TBSP ghee for additional moisture!

3. Insomnia-Consider a warm sesame oil massage on your feet. Try a warm herbal milk tonic with 1/2 tsp Ashwaganda + 1/2 tsp Shatavari.

Want to learn more? Curious about remedies for emotional imbalance? Visit the “Community” tab above to learn more and join us on Wed’s beginning February 21st for 4 weeks of “FORTIFIED; a group coaching experience for women looking for better EMOTIONAL outcomes for their birthing experience”. Can’t wait to see you there~