Ayurvedic Wellness and Life Coaching for Women

Pregnancy, fertility navigation, birth, and early mothering years are profoundly transformative experiences that often shift a woman’s identity and create a need for self-discovery and soul growth.

For thousands of years, Ayurveda—an ancient system of medicine originating from India—has promoted a deep and nuanced approach to women’s health, focusing on the balance between the body, mind, and spirit.

Effloresce provides Ayurvedic wellness and life coaching services to help mamas who are suffering through fertility challenges, difficult pregnancy and birth experiences, hormonal imbalances, and feeling unfulfilled within their parenting journey. The integrative and holistic coaching at Effloresce is woven from cognitive techniques, hypnosis, mindfulness, somatic movement/yoga, and a desire for mamas to move away from identifying with their trauma and stigmatizing diagnoses, and start embracing their intrinsic wholeness.

Are you ready to embrace a more balanced Motherhood journey?

Welcome to the Next Step in Your Women’s Wellness Journey!

My calling is to help women access TRUE generational healing and personal rebirthing through fertility and pre/postnatal coaching, allowing you to see the unique healing potential that lies within your own reproductive journey, rather than focus on the limitations of diagnoses and problems you encounter.

Effloresce was born from the desire to take my own experiences of motherhood as a turning point in life, and share the wisdom and roadmap to healing that I learned. My journey has taught me invaluable skills for healing infertility, disconnection, emotional imbalance, and birth trauma. These challenging circumstances served as a catalyst for me to transform my lifestyle, upgrade my diet, re-examine my beliefs, and re-evaluate my relationship with my higher self. Delving deep into my core guided me towards parts of myself that I was reluctant to acknowledge. Overcoming these struggles led to finding true hormonal balance, abundant fertility, natural home birthing, and lasting mental wellness.

Empowered by my own experiences and the knowledge I gained from my powerful teachers, I am committed to serving you and helping you facilitate your own unique journey toward holistic health and wellness.


Mindy Schlechter
Certified Ayurvedic Wellness Coach
Cincinnati, OH

Mindy offers empowered, trauma-informed services woven from cognitive techniques, hypnosis, mindfulness, somatic movement/yoga, and the rich lineage of Ayurvedic wisdom, leading women to embody a more intuitive and mindful lifestyle.

Hypnotherapy & Birth Healing

Hypnotherapy releases pent-up feelings, energy, and trauma that have gotten “stuck” in your emotional body from a challenging childbirth.

Prenatal Yoga

Bond with other Mamas, improve energy, and experience the multitude of holistic benefits yoga brings to the mind, body, and spirit.

Women’s Life Coaching

Working collaboratively, you can determine personal goals, identify resources to achieve them, and explore solutions to barriers.

Group Coaching

Meet weekly with other Mamas who are rediscovering what’s next in their lives as their children gain independence.

Ayurveda for Fertility

Balance the body, mind, and spirit and receive relief from mild hormonal imbalances which impact mood, libido, and fertility.


Through a nurturing lens, you will learn the basics of mindfulness—moment-by-moment awareness of thoughts, feelings, body, and environment.

Testimonials from coaching clients & group participants



Would you like support as you navigate your own initiation into the collective wisdom of motherhood?